

First and foremost, a big WELCOME to any readers!!

Over this past Valentine's Day weekend, I was scouring the Internet for inspiration for our V-Day dinner feast. I started my manhunt on Pinterest and then found myself reading several different food blogs. Once at the grocery store and fully engulfed in my shopping list, I thought ... "Why don't I have a food blog!?!? I should create a food blog!".

And, Voila! Here I am.

I LOVE to cook and I LOVE food!! Most often I am trying to make a low fat and healthier version of something, recreating my favorite restaurant recipe, or modifying an existing one by adding my favorite ingredients to satisfy my taste buds. But I am slowly becoming more adventurous and trying to create my own recipes as well.

What I love even more than cooking and food, is sharing my creations with friends and family and then telling them what I did to make their meal extra special. So what I hope to do, is the same here with this food blog. Create inspiration and share with readers my recipes and enjoy talking food, with lovers of food alike!

A little bit about me personally ... I'm 30 years old, currently live in St.Paul, MN and work by day as a Fire/Medical Emergency Dispatcher for Ramsey County. I have one younger sister, two living and loving parents (my dad loves to cook and try new foods - so watch out for stuff inspired by him!), and an extremely handsome boyfriend - who loves to cook as much as I do, if not more, so definitely be watching for stuff inspired by him!

I encourage readers to contact me if there are ANY questions, suggestions or special requests! I truly would love to hear from you!!

I'm so excited for this blogging adventure!

Until next time,


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