
Ham & Pickle Roll Up Dip & Spicy Taco Roll Ups

Two posts in one today people! 

By special request from a special friend, I am here to share a recipe for my delicious Ham & Pickle Roll Up Dip that I made back at Christmas time.

However, I am also going to share my Taco Roll Up recipe, because if we're going to talk roll ups and roll up dips, these are where it's at!

Everyone knows the class Ham & Pickle Roll Ups ...

*I do not own rights to this picture, it was found on images.

Well I turned this one in to a dip, and it was a hit! Serve it with some Ritz crackers and it'll be gone in a matter of minutes! And the recipe is just as simple as the roll ups. 

Depending on how much you want to make, use equal parts Cream Cheese & Sour Cream. I like to go on the light side of things, so I usually buy the Reduced Fat Cream Cheese and Light Sour Cream. And then I just eyeball the Ham & Pickles.You want to have a little bit of both in every single bite. I suggest buying the already diced Ham in your deli section. And for pickles I use Vlasic Whole Pickles and dice them up fairly fine. It is suggested that you use Whole Pickles, as using not whole pickles can make your dip more watery (from the pickle guts/seeds and juice) once it has sat a while.

It's that simple!
*I do not own rights to this picture, it was found on images.

Now, on to Spicy Taco Roll Ups ...

*I do not own rights to this picture, it was found on images.

These are equally as simple to make! Again, depending on much you need to make, buy equal parts Cream Cheese & Sour Cream. (1 8oz Cream Cheese = 1 8oz Sour Cream is going to make 2 cups of mixture, filling approximately 5 10" tortillas). If you want to go on the lighter side of things, feel free! Mix in to Cream Cheese/Sour Cream mixture a packet of Taco Seasoning, Shredded Mexican Cheese and Diced Jalapeno. Again, you have to just eyeball the cheese and Jalapeno, there is no right or wrong way to portion it out, you simply just want cheese and heat in every bite. For assembly: I like to use the 10" Super Soft Mission Tortillas. Spread approximately 1/4" of your cream cheese/sour cream mixture on to one side of your tortilla, then roll up the tortilla and cut in to circles approximately 1-1 1/2" thick. Chill them in the fridge until you're ready to serve!

Yummmy & Enjoy!

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