
A Guide To Herbs & Spices

I LOVE cooking with different herbs & spices and I'm always up for trying something new! I stumbled upon these guides on Pinterest and I found them to be very helpful and informational, so I thought I would share!

**Two of my favorite herbs to use when cooking are Basil and Cilantro - I LOVE Italian and Mexican dishes! Some of my other favorites are Mint for my Mojito's, Chives with my potatoes and Dill with my eggs!

**Two of my favorite spices to use when cooking are Cayenne Pepper and Oregano - Again, I'm in to heat and Italian foods. A few spices that I would love to cook more with are, Ginger and Rosemary.

If you have any tips or guidelines that you like to use when cooking with fresh herbs and spices, please feel free to share! I'd love to hear from you!


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